Comfort zone is an area of life where people are satified with what they have and considers no other goals to achieve! Such habit is bad for the enconomic growth of country and relates the family income to a static growth. What it is important to know is the world is rapidly changing without considering time and when. Prior to this change according to time these people with their comfort zone will experience economic family crisis as their life goes on. For instance, if you are comfortable in you chair you would never move to another place for a very long time unless someone come by and push you away.
What will happen when you stay in your comfort zone?
Well, for the starting years you would not feel anything at all, once everything comes in on bucket full of problem then you will start thinking of the possible ways of earning new income. Comfort zone will never last that long, but if the family financial is in order it is stay for good. There is a problem with the comfort zone, you will never grow your income, family and your budget! Everything will stay as it is, once over budget you will find it hard to get out. In this way your probably be broke or tight with budget, loans and credit cards.

How to pull away from the comfort zone?
There are few ways to clear out our comfort zone. First is the mind setting, you must start thinking that with a normal pay job life is never going to grow as big as you want it to be. Two, give up credit cards for this plastic will only just spoils you and you will stop thinking of earn real cash! Third, start up a small business or join a multilevel company. Lastly never be satisfied with whom you become always want for more. I tell you you will never regret with my idea...
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