Friday, November 30, 2007









Credit cards looks like plastic sized shaped playing cards which is able to be use as cash in terms of a short term loans. This so call credit cards is usable anywhere at all depending on the type of card subscribed. Today there are many types of credit cards and their use are becoming worldwide. There are many types of credit card master card, visa card, American express and etc. Somehow credit cards also their pros and cons.

Good side of credit cards

The good side of credit card is you don't need to bring along a whole load of cash to buy things that you want. It is made out of plastic, handy sized, durable and far more lighter than bring a bunch of cash in your wallet. They are excepted almost everywhere you go and the transaction is so easy to use, just swipe and go. In this way you don't need to see the amount of money you have to pay for bills, food or anything. No heavy coin change, no fuss to count money, no need to count your cash!!

Bad side of credit cards

Now, the bad side of credit card is you are paying interest for your usage. You are paying for the application of the card with annual fees. Payment via credit cards has an interest of 1.5% monthly or 18% annually. This not included late charge payments for the installments. By using a credit card, you cannot estimate your real expenditure. So you are actually buy thing that you cannot afford. Statement is given monthly basis, so you will only know what you spend at the end of the month! The thing is about credits card is, you are not getting richer by the day. You are getting poorer because of the installment that must be settled down. Credit cards is a loan and loans are bad for your financial freedom.
Lastly you will have headache on settling bills and end up in a very tight budget. Worse still you might even be bankrupt because of misused of credit cards. Finally you wouldn't have a financial freedom and spend the rest of your life figuring out how to settle all your debts from loans and credit cards. So think and look into other ways of getting income. Keep on searching......



Comfort zone is an area of life where people are satified with what they have and considers no other goals to achieve! Such habit is bad for the enconomic growth of country and relates the family income to a static growth. What it is important to know is the world is rapidly changing without considering time and when. Prior to this change according to time these people with their comfort zone will experience economic family crisis as their life goes on. For instance, if you are comfortable in you chair you would never move to another place for a very long time unless someone come by and push you away.

What will happen when you stay in your comfort zone?

Well, for the starting years you would not feel anything at all, once everything comes in on bucket full of problem then you will start thinking of the possible ways of earning new income. Comfort zone will never last that long, but if the family financial is in order it is stay for good. There is a problem with the comfort zone, you will never grow your income, family and your budget! Everything will stay as it is, once over budget you will find it hard to get out. In this way your probably be broke or tight with budget, loans and credit cards.

How to pull away from the comfort zone?

There are few ways to clear out our comfort zone. First is the mind setting, you must start thinking that with a normal pay job life is never going to grow as big as you want it to be. Two, give up credit cards for this plastic will only just spoils you and you will stop thinking of earn real cash! Third, start up a small business or join a multilevel company. Lastly never be satisfied with whom you become always want for more. I tell you you will never regret with my idea...

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Life isurance is a coverage for your famliy whereby something happens to you and you family gets coverage. The main reason for life insurance is that we never know when we would die. Most importantly if we die, how about the love ones that we leave behind. How are they going to survive without you not feeding them and taking good care of your responsibility towards them. In order to secure their needs we life insurance to meet the basic need of after death.

There are different kinds of life insurance policy, some my even cover all and some just as basics. This so call life insurance can be turned into pension plan wearby you live long enough to the full maturaty date. All the sum that are collected from you are then returned in full with some dividen.

In< Malaysia life insurance are still not favourable, but then just stop and think of your love ones. What will you give them when you die, a whole load of debt to be settle and a house on mortgage. Life insurance is a step towards a safer future. Here are some list of insurance company.


Where to stay in malacca? There are lot of choices to choose from:





Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Now is the new era, we are in the millenium world where computer is the far most important thing on earth. Everthing today is compute into a computer, ever little single data is save in the computer. More exciting is that today the type of computer uses the world wide web(www).

By using the world wide web or short know as internet help us human a lot in our daily life. Internet is a common thing in this century and becoming more prudent. Information runs from one end to the other with cliclks away, sending and receiving data is much quicker then those days.

As you know today you can buy things through the internet by surfing the internet, it is similar to window shoping. But, in this case you would not need to walk,instead you just click the mouse and surf around the data in the web.

Most of the company today has a web page were they put up their business online, showing maps, creating promotion online, selling their service and many more. Just when it seems to be like the same old before advertismennts, but no this is different.

We call it online business, where advertisment is on hook 24/7 with just a click away. The world wide web is so big you cannot concuer it all. To get customer today is that you'll need users. To atract users you must have bloggers, we bloggers just write in ideas, story, facts and provide information as a third party and gain side income.

It my sound crazy, but do not be alarm because there are people whom do their business online without opening a real shop. Just post the item and wait for users to give respons. Let take a peep at some of the sites to earn extra money......more


Foodborne illness often presents itself as flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever, so many people may not recognize the illness is caused by bacteria or other pathogens in food.

Thousands of types of bacteria are naturally present in our environment. Not all bacteria cause disease in humans. For example, some bacteria are used beneficially in making cheese and yogurt.

Bacteria that cause disease are called pathogens. When certain pathogens enter the food supply, they can cause foodborne illness. Millions of cases of foodborne illness occur each year. Most cases of foodborne illness can be prevented. Proper cooking or processing of food destroys bacteria.

Age and physical condition place some persons at higher risk than others, no matter what type of bacteria is implicated. Very young children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems are at greatest risk from any pathogen. Some persons may become ill after ingesting only a few harmful bacteria; others may remain symptom free after ingesting thousands.

How Bacteria

Get in FoodBacteria may be present on products when you purchase them. Plastic-wrapped boneless chicken breasts and ground meat, for example, were once part of live chickens or cattle. Raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs are not sterile. Neither is fresh produce such as lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, and melons.

Foods, including safely cooked, ready-to-eat foods, can become cross-contaminated with bacteria transferred from raw products, meat juices or other contaminated products, or from food handlers with poor personal hygiene.

The "Danger Zone"

Bacteria multiply rapidly between 40 °F and 140 °F. To keep food out of this "Danger Zone," keep cold food cold and hot food hot.
Store food in the refrigerator (40 °F or below) or freezer (0 °F or below).
Cook food to a safe minimum internal temperature.
Beef, veal, and lamb steaks, roasts, and chops may be cooked to 145 °F.
All cuts of pork to 160 °F.
Ground beef, veal and lamb to 160 °F.
All poultry should reach a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F.
Maintain hot cooked food at 140 °F or above.
When reheating cooked food, reheat to 165 °F.

In Case of Suspected Foodborne Illness

Follow these general guidelines:

  1. Preserve the evidence. If a portion of the suspect food is available, wrap it securely, mark "DANGER" and freeze it. Save all the packaging materials, such as cans or cartons. Write down the food type, the date, other identifying marks on the package, the time consumed, and when the onset of symptoms occurred. Save any identical unopened products.
  2. Seek treatment as necessary. If the victim is in an "at risk" group, seek medical care immediately. Likewise, if symptoms persist or are severe (such as bloody diarrhea, excessive nausea and vomiting, or high temperature), call your doctor.
  3. Call the local health department if the suspect food was served at a large gathering, from a restaurant or other food service facility, or if it is a commercial product.
  4. Call the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline if the suspect food is a USDA-inspected product and you have all the packaging.

Bacteria that Causes Foodborne Illness
intestinal tracts of animals and birds, raw milk, untreated water, and sewage sludge.
Contaminated water, raw milk, and raw or undercooked meat, poultry, or shellfish.
Fever, headache and muscle pain followed by diarrhea (sometimes bloody), abdominal pain, and nausea that appear 2 to 5 days after eating; may last 7 to 10 days.
Widely distributed in nature; soil, water, on plants, and intestinal tracts of animals and fish. Grows only in little or no oxygen.
Bacteria produce a toxin that causes illness. Improperly canned foods, garlic in oil, vacuum-packed and tightly wrapped food.
Toxin affects the nervous system. Symptoms usually appear 18 to 36 hours, but can sometimes appear as few as 4 hours or as many as 8 days after eating; double vision, droopy eyelids, trouble speaking and swallowing, and difficulty breathing. Fatal in 3 to 10 days if not treated.
Soil, dust, sewage, and intestinal tracts of animals and humans. Grows only in little or no oxygen.
Called "the cafeteria germ" because many outbreaks result from food left for long periods in steam tables or at room temperature. Bacteria destroyed by cooking, but some toxin-producing spores may survive.
Diarrhea and gas pains may appear 8 to 24 hours after eating; usually last about 1 day, but less severe symptoms may persist for 1 to 2 weeks.
Escherichia coliO157:H7
Intestinal tracts of some mammals, raw milk, unchlorinated water; one of several strains of E. coli that can cause human illness.
Contaminated water, raw milk, raw or rare ground beef, unpasteurized apple juice or cider, uncooked fruits and vegetables; person-to-person.
Diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and malaise; can begin 2 to 5 days after food is eaten, lasting about 8 days. Some, especially the very young, have developed hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) that causes acute kidney failure.
Intestinal tracts of humans and animals, milk, soil, leaf vegetables; can grow slowly at refrigerator temperatures.
Ready-to-eat foods such as hot dogs, luncheon meats, cold cuts, fermented or dry sausage, and other deli-style meat and poultry, soft cheeses and unpasteurized milk.
Fever, chills, headache, backache, sometimes upset stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea; may take up to 3 weeks to become ill; may later develop more serious illness in at-risk patients (pregnant women and newborns, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems).
Salmonella(over 2300 types)
Intestinal tracts and feces of animals; Salmonella Enteritidis in eggs.
Raw or undercooked eggs, poultry, and meat; raw milk and dairy products; seafood, and food handlers.
Stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, chills, fever, and headache usually appear 8 to 72 hours after eating; may last 1 to 2 days.
Shigella(over 30 types)
Human intestinal tract; rarely found in other animals.
Person-to-person by fecal-oral route; fecal contamination of food and water. Most outbreaks result from food, especially salads, prepared and handled by workers using poor personal hygiene.
Disease referred to as "shigellosis" or bacillary dysentery. Diarrhea containing blood and mucus, fever, abdominal cramps, chills, and vomiting; 12 to 50 hours from ingestion of bacteria; can last a few days to 2 weeks.
On humans (skin, infected cuts, pimples, noses, and throats).
Person-to-person through food from improper food handling. Multiply rapidly at room temperature to produce a toxin that causes illness.
Severe nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea occur 1 to 6 hours after eating; recovery within 2 to 3 days -- longer if severe dehydration occurs.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Overlooked factor in oil price rise and falling dollar.

Gasoline and heating-oil prices in the US are at an all-time high and rising. But it may surprise Americans to learn that in Europe, they've essentially remained steady. Why the cost difference?

Experts have a lot of good reasons to explain it, among them unrest in the Middle East, gas-guzzling cars, and greed among oil-producing nations. But there is another culprit that is being ignored and that is making the problem far, far worse in the US: the decline in the value of the dollar.

Between the end of February 2002 and the end of February 2004, the price of oil in dollars rose by 51 percent (from $20 a barrel in 2002 to more than $35 a barrel today), but it rose by only 4 percent in euros. Over the same two-year period, the US currency plunged from 1.16 euros per dollar to 0.80 euros per dollar. In this situation, it is perfectly rational for foreign suppliers of oil to charge more dollars.

While remedies such as encouraging more efficient use of energy are good, they won't negate the fact that a declining US dollar is an important cause of the run-up in oil prices. And the Bush administration is doing little about it.

It may seem like a stretch to blame the price of oil on fiscal mismanagement, but the rise is closely tied to the falling dollar, which, in turn, is the result of flagging confidence in federal tax and budget policies. The dollar is falling, among other reasons, because of the prospect of too many US Treasury bonds on the market - and that is made necessary by the enormous deficits generated by tax cuts, spending increases, and sluggish economic performance.

Thanks to the unbalanced policies of the past few years, the US will be pumping out trillions of dollars in new federal debt. Financial markets - and oil producers - are afraid that a future glut of bonds will drive down their value and, sooner or later, drive up US interest rates. The prospects of falling Treasury bond prices and a weak dollar have depressed European demand for US Treasury bonds, so the value of the euro has risen further relative to the dollar.

Dollars today simply do not possess the same purchasing power that they did a few years ago - a situation that will persist as long as it is painfully obvious that the administration has no plan to reduce the deficit. As the value of the dollar falls, of course, OPEC raises the dollar price of oil.
So as Americans flinch when they pump ever more expensive fuel into their tanks, they might reflect on the decline in international confidence in the dollar. It is more proof of the adage, "there's no such thing as a free lunch." In terms of today's relationship between the weak dollar and oil prices, the political version of a free lunch is a buffet of tax cuts, big deficits, high gasoline prices, and blameless officials.

Officeholders can claim credit for cutting taxes while blaming mysterious international market forces for increases in oil prices - but the bill still must be paid.

All Play and No Work Makes for a Poor Life

As I near my 63rd birthday, I'm stunned at a phenomenon I observe among a number of my friends: They don't know how to work.

That is, they literally don't know how to get up in the morning, eat breakfast, get dressed, and then do a day's work for a day's pay.

With Friends Like These...

One of them, who used to be dabble as a consultant at an advertising agency, quit a few years ago with a modest inheritance, and now has simply no idea of what to do to feed his family. Did I mention that he ran through his money in about 18 months?

Another friend, who was my college roommate and is one of the smartest, most well-read and witty writers I've ever met, hasn't held a regular job in his entire life -- and he's the same age I am. He has a well-to-do wife, luckily for him, and he teaches when he feels like it in local community colleges on a volunteer basis. What he would do if he had to earn a living I have no clue.

Yet another one is a former salesman of Internet ads. He's terribly smart, good-natured, and pleasant, but he simply has no clue of how to make a living aside from sales of somewhat dicey goods online, so now he just hangs out. How he pays the rent is beyond me.

Down, Almost Out

Then there's the makeup artist who would rather die than work at a department store, or at any 9 to 5 job. And since there are a heck of a lot of makeup artists in L.A. and not many stars who are without makeup, she's always one check (courtesy of her boyfriend) away from homelessness. She has fantasies of being a self-help guru, and she's a wonderful woman, but she has no idea of how the world works.

Finally, there's the former ad saleswoman who never really had a grasp on how to do a day's work. Instead, she's spent her whole life cadging jobs from wealthy boyfriends, and fills her days at work gossiping on the phone. Now she's facing disaster on many different fronts as her beauty fades and her intellect, never very formidable, is devastated by alcohol.

This is just scratching the surface.

Notes on Camp

What occurs to me is that while almost everyone I know went to college, very few learned how to actually work -- i.e., how to give an honest day's labor for a paycheck. So here's an idea for a remedy to this lapse: summer work camps.

At these camps, young people would be taught how to get up and get dressed in the morning when the alarm goes off, instead of going back to sleep. After being made to eat breakfast, they'd go shovel cow manure or dig ditches or sort laundry or mail -- actually work every day for eight weeks in the summer.

They would learn that they can't talk on the phone to their pals, text-message (in fact, they wouldn't have cell phones at the camp at all), send email, or play computer games while at work. They wouldn't be allowed to leave early for a phony medical appointment or to look for another job instead of doing the job they're being paid for, and they would have to actually complete a certain quota of work to get their dinner.

This dinner would be followed by a very short lecture or movie about the merits of work, preferably by someone who actually works and has done well in life by working. Once at camp, the campers couldn't leave except for a verifiable death in the family, and then only for three days, which would be tacked onto their stay.

Life Redeemed

You may think this is harsh, but it's not. Hard work is the single most important thing you can learn in life besides devotion to spouse and parents. One reason people become failures and/or criminals is because they never learned to work.

People who develop the habit of hard work don't become bums or drug addicts, and don't wind up in middle age with suicidal self-loathing. "Work, generally speaking, is the single best cure for any malady of soul or mind," said the greatest thinker in English history, Samuel Johnson. (I'm paraphrasing here. The exact quote is slightly different.) Work elevates the spirit, disciplines the mind, conveys self worth -- redeems life itself.
Since so many of us simply never learn to do it, why not have camps to teach it? The kids who went to such a camp would feel a lot better when they did their course than the kids who learn horseback riding or tennis. They would learn pride.

Of course, since they can't go into a summer work camp, there's always the United States Marines.

Make Your Money Work, Too

By the way, let me say it again: I don't pick stocks for the short term, ever. For the very long term, I think the financials are cheap. If you can devote 10 years to waiting patiently, you may well be happy if you dip your toe into the financial services index, the XLF, right now.

The mortgage crunch won't last forever. The commercial paper problems will end. And we'll always need banks. The best time to buy stocks is when everyone hates them, and that's where the financials are right now. So maybe buy a few dollars' worth of the XLF, don't look at it for 10 years, and then check in with me in 2017.
Still, it's no substitute for hard work.




Just imagine this is the lastest gadget on plant earth. Now you can talk through your watch??? I say what are you crazy! Now, this is the world today and it is ever changing, you just don't know what will happen next. This watch i said to be one of the pioneer and there are more to come like these babe come from. It has bluetooth, hands free kit and it can do what an ordinary phone can do. Ohhh, just maybe in the near future you can call your car to pick you up.
Don't day dream you could not afford these kind of gadget if you are on the ordinary side, i mean no money no talk. Well, i suggest to these money seekers out there you can try some of these web to earn money.
Use googles as your power tools to earn a part time income!


Diet & Nutrition

Face the Fats and Meet the Bad Fats BrothersMany Americans are confused about fats. Take our crash ‘Fats 101’ course on fats. Use the ‘My Fats Translator’ calculator to get calorie and fats recommendations just for you. Learn how you can live fat-sensibly when eating out or cooking at home. Be sure to meet the Bad Fats Brothers, Sat and Trans, and don’t let them break your heart. Meet the Bad Fats Brothers

American Heart Association No-Fad DietAre you fed up with fads and want a diet that can provide a lifetime of effective weight control? If so, the No-Fad Diet is the book for you! Lose weight and feel great without taking chances with your health! Learn how to Think Smart, Eat Well, and Move More to stay on track for a lifetime of successful—and safe—personalized weight control. more

Delicious DecisionsDelicious Decisions will show you just how much "delicious" and "nutritious" can have in common. Use our Recipe Quick Find to locate dozens of heart-healthy recipes you can make today. more

Nutrition FactsBetter food habits can help you be healthier. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat a wide variety of foods daily from all of the basic food groups. more
Diet and Lifestyle RecommendationsHere you'll find the latest advice from medical and nutrition experts on the best ways to pattern your diet and lifestyle for long-term benefits for your heart and your health. more

Heart-Healthy Grocery Shopping Made SimpleToday is a great day to start a nutrition resolution. Look for foods bearing the American Heart Association's red heart with the white check mark to easily spot heart-healthy foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. more


You Are What You Eat

Better food habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack. A healthful eating plan means choosing the right foods to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way. more

Exercise & Fitness.
Swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, dancing, walking and dozens of other activities can help your heart. Whether it is included in a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all physical activity adds up to a healthier heart. more

Healthy Lifestyle
Better lifestyle habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack. Learn what you can do to help prevent heart disease and stroke.
You Are What You EatBetter food habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack. A healthful eating plan means choosing the right foods to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way. more

It's Not Just a Man's DiseaseHeart disease is far and away the leading cause of death of American women, but you can do a lot to help protect yourself and women from it. Read this section for some important advice. more

Managing Your Weight
We can help you manage your lifestyle to better manage your weight and reduce your risk for heart attack. more

Cholesterol Low Down
To urge people to reduce their risk for heart disease, the Heart Association introduces "Taking It Personally," as part of the Cholesterol Low Down national education campaign. more



What is money pressure? This is a type of stress, which people these day gets due to the ever change needs in everyday life. Today, we are in the millennium world where money is foremost important thing of the world. Without it you just could not survive. As we grow older money is becoming more and more important, every single transaction means money. Today we are not just endangered with viruses, illness and plague. We also have problem of money sickness, or well described as money pressure.

Why does money pressure occur? In everyday life we have all sorts of stress and pressure. But, Money pressures come in when your expenditure is more than your budget. In the malay tradition money pressure is common, it is even worse after marriage. This caused by the old saying you must give part of your earning to the parents whom looks after you when you were younger. To be pressured by scares of money is really a big pain in the neck. This type of stress must be paid attention to quickly with no waste of time or even worse to over come by.

Overcome money pressure…how? Easy, all you have to do is budget and keep aclean record of your earning and spending. Think before your buy, never over budget. Credit card is a bad way to overcome money pressure because it creates more debt. Making loan will not keep this pressure aside it will make things even worse. The only way to put solve this problem for good is to do two job at once part time maybe or even more efficient doing multilevel marketing to generate more income. You can even take blogging for serious and earn a living from that for just one part of your time. You can even consider part time selling product via internet or posting product on free sites. Visit


Lets go for a holiday.....try an guess this place.more

Monday, November 26, 2007



In today's world you need to utilized all the time you have don't waste you time. Let say in today's world the internet is everything. Without the internet god know what will happen to us in today's world. It is very easy to blog just write in your indea or feelings about something and walla you can share it with a lot of people. Who knows how you can help people earn a living, get new ideas, new friend, new hobby and etc. Through the net you can surf 24/7 without and time frame. This mean you can always shop, chat and even watch movie at home. Best of all with the right tool you can earn while sitting diong something else. You can come and see my place, the internet has become my 2nd home.

I have other place for you to go as well..............

To gain income through the internet you need to do research...but it doesnt matter coz i got some places that you could go and see for your self.....

  1. AdWords
  2. AdWords Retail Tips
  3. Google Analytics blog
  4. Google CPG blog
  5. Google Entertainment Blog


Fuel saving tyre.....Silverstone SYNERGY M5 is the answer.

Incorporating advanced technologies like ETR, OAC & ECO-TREAD to lower rolling resistance, the new Silverstone Synergy M5 can save 4.7% fuel consumption in test conditions. This means that you can acctually save money by lowering your fuel consumption, at the same time getting your value for the buy.

The Silverstone Synergy Series are designed to save on fuel consumption by lowering the rolling resistance of the tyre. Silverstone’s Rolling Resistance Technology evolves around the optimization of radial and lateral compression of tyre structure during vulcanization process to ensure lower energy losses during service thus resulting in lower rolling resistance for better fuel economy.

I hate to say that your ride would be just be exceptional, you can't expect it to be a high standard tyre. This type is tyre is suitable for family sedan and normal road uses.

for more information youn can check this website out:


For our basic knowledge, equity is things that we own or brought for our daily use. Example house, cars, handphone that can be sold back in order to get cash. Stock and bonds in a large amount are also considered as equity. Gold, silver and gems are also equity because they can be sold (liquidify) into cash inorder to gain profit. Thus not all gold is an equity, only the ones that are being kept in banks are call equity. It is important to bear in mind that everthing that is able to be turn cash is equity.

We as general people with no basics in business should no what is liabilty. It is crutial to differentiate between liablity and asset. When we know to differ between these two, we are able to think the business mind fundamantle. Henece we can save money and generate incom at the same time. Example of a laiblity is a car, house and furniture. Thing that do not generate income is considered as a liabilty, for instance a shop generate income but it is a liabilty. Unless you rent part of the shop then it will be considered as an asset.

What is asset? Well house and cars can be an asset, inorder to do this you must rent your house. So, you generate income from renting your house. The hosue that you rent will then be an asset. Same go to cars, people whom has car rental company is using cars as their asset to generate income.

Learn how to start mobile blogging


Since each consumer’s financial needs are different, it makes sense that there are different types of credit cards. Before you apply for a credit card, become familiar with the various kinds of credit cards to make sure you’re choosing the best one for you.

Credit cards

The most common type of credit card allowing you to have a revolving balance up to a certain credit limit. Credit is used up when you make a purchase and made available again once you’ve made a payment. A finance charge is applied to outstanding balances at the end of each month. Credit cards have a minimum payment that must be paid by a certain due date to avoid late-payment penalties.

Premium credit cards

Offers incentives and benefits beyond that of a regular credit card. Examples of premium credit cards are Gold and Platinum cards that offer cash back, reward points, travel upgrades, and other rewards to cardholders. Premium cards can have higher fees and usually have minimum income and credit score requirements.
Both regular credit cards and premium credit cards have specific types of credit cards. Student credit cards, zero percent interest cards, and travel cards are just a few types available.

Charge card

Does not have a credit limit. The balance on a charge card must be paid in full at the end of each month. Charge cards typically do not have a finance charge or minimum payment since the balance is to be paid in full. Late payments are subject to a fee, charge restrictions, or card cancellation depending on your card agreement.

Limited purpose credit cards

Can only be used at specific locations. Limited purpose cards are used like credit cards with a minimum payment and finance charge. Store credit cards and gas credit cards are examples of limited purpose credit cards.

Secured credit cards

Is an option for those without a credit history or those with blemished credit. Secured cards require a security deposit to be placed on the card. The credit limit on a secured credit card is equal to the amount of the deposit made. Secured credit cards have revolving balances depending on the purchases and payments made.

Prepaid credit cards

Rrequire the cardholder to load money onto the card before the card can be used. Purchases are withdrawn from the card's balance. The credit limit does not renew until more money is loaded onto the card. Prepaid cards do not have finance charges or minimum payments since the balance is withdrawn from the deposit. Prepaid cards are similar to debit cards, but are not tied to a checking account.
Business credit cards are designed specifically for business use. They provide business owners with an easy method of keeping business and personal transactions separate. There are business credit and charge cards available.


  • Primary demand

  • Selective demand

  • Direct Response

  • Delayed response

  • Corporate Advertising

  • Private-label


This type of advertisting is basically use to promote product of a company in order to gain profits or buyers. Basically flyer are given out with product picture and price, this is simply know as primary demand advertising. Small margin of profit but in large volume of sells will cover to cost advertisments. For example carrefour, tesco, guardian and etc promote their product through flyer and newpaper ads.


Normally advertizers use this type of advertisment to get more client to work for or get new company to use their expertise. The main point of the advert is to sell the name no the product itself. So, this type of advertisement falls into selective demand. For instance google is trying to sell their name so that people will use it website for everyday use. Other example are yahoo, youtube, shell and etc. The most easiest way to see selective demand advertising is donation from big company showing big mock checks or sponsors for racing teams things like that. Bloging can also be this kind of advert to see more on blog visit

Direct Respons

Multilevel marketing is a type of an advertisment too, which is class as direct respons advertisment. Sale, discount and promotion is also considered as a direct respons advertisment. Door to door sales, salesman selling cars and etc also falls in this category of advertisment.

Delay Respons

This type of advertisment let people to think weather to buy, join or try the product. For an instant e-bay, and etc let people to bid and decide on the things that they personally want. The time frame is given for the buyer to decide.

Corporate Advertising

For general, corporate advertising is only done ny big, big company. The best way of doing this type of advertiment is to run a show. Some television ads also fall in this type of category. The major concern about the type of advertisment is that the investment is high and the return is uncertain. Example of corporate advertising is Carlsberg, Malaysian Airlines, Trumph Organization and etc.

Private- Lable

Lable is actually a brand name use by companies to sell it's product in a very high quality market. Labeling is also plays an importanty role in advertisment, because it help to generate even more revenue in the market. Private-lable is a trademark or copy right of a companies product.


1. Introduction of water
2. How do you know your water is safe? 4. Quality filter
3. How to filter water? 5. Notes
What is water? Scienctifcly water is made from to particals which is hydrogen and oxygen given name as H2O. As we normal people define it as a liquid that we drink everyday to ensure on going process in the body. Did you know that human is made out of 70% of water, so is very important that a persons gets enough good supply of water daily. Without any water a man can last for only 3 days maximum, with it means death. So it is important to ensure that the body gets good supply of healthy water.
How do know that the water is safe to drink?
Well, we are not particularly sure that the water we drink is safe to drink because we cannot see what is inside it. To our basic knowledge water can react with many substances such as clorin, sulfur and etc. In order to be save we must boil the water before we drink it up. But, is the water save to drink after it is totally boiled? The answer is uncertain, why? This is because there are certain partical and molecules that just would not break at the boiling point off 110degrees. In order to be 99.99% save we must filter the water first boil it and then drink.
How to filter water?
Water is filtered in various ways, one way is called distilled. The water is pressurized above it’s boiling point and the vapors is turned into distilled water. This is an expansive way of getting descent water. But in mass production It can be cut into a low cost due to the quantity produced. The other way is forcing the water to various of elements which then trap the unwanted elements in the water in stages. Today we have the newest way in making pure healthy water it is called reverse osmosis. Water is let through a membrane which is similar in our nerve system and pure water is produce at the other end of the membrane. The result is pure crystal clear water with the perfect minerals in it.
What you should do to get quality water filters?
Check the product, be sure that the water filter is produce in a high quality way. Never trust cheap water filters because they normally don’t do the work. Make sure that the filter is made out of durable plastic that do not react with water. Good filter usually cost a bit but the filtering jobs is done significantly. Get water filters that is approved and tested by the authority.
Notes : Water is link to cancer, heart dieases, nerve system and etc. Check link: water and dieases. Remember that without a healthy body you won’t be able to earn cash, so you need healthy water to stay fit. Always remember cash flow like water, without it you will never survive in this ever growing world. (


What is multilevel marketing???

Chain-selling programs are referred to as "multi-level marketing" (MLM), "network marketing," "consumer direct marketing," etc. The MLM industry would even like to be called "direct selling," even if little direct selling to actual customers is taking place.

Can MLM can make big money???

Yes, mlm is a money making place....with the right tools, skills and good mind set everything is possible. The thing is you must manage your downline like you are doing your own conventional business. The most important thing is you must keep on going and the money keeps on generate.

What company should you choose??

Not all mlm company is a health product company, there are companies which sells different kind of products. Choose the right one according to your needs and skills. See the market, if the market is still there for the product so go ahead and go. Be sure that the company has good rebet plans and good facility to conduct your needs in business.

What company shoul u try???

Well in malaysia i have a few to promote...but in other country u just have to check, check these company out:

  1. elken sdn bhd
  2. rz corp.
  3. amway malaysia
  4. etc...


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