Let say you have a shop and sell things and get money. Nowadays you need to have liecense to run a shop. Sometimes you need more than just one liecense. The problem of runing a conventional business is you need a big capital even before ypu get started on business. Then you need supply of goods that you are selling, you also need to bear in mind trensportation cost and other cost too.
The challange of doing a conventional business is that you need to find workers and you need to deal with all sort of things before you can actually gain profit.
But, today you can make selling and buy even easier through electronic sales. Cost of renting a shop, electricty bills, water bills can be cut off. Ypu even get more effiecent with no work force needed.
Example of conventional business is Seven Eleven, Bakery and etc. As for short, conventional business is based on display selling product. Ypu need to use your capital to display product and customer will buy after viewing. Either way conventional business, e-business, multilevel business and etc are all the same in view beacause all lead to profit margin. But there a difference to the way that selling is done.
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