Every country have their own rules and regulation, all in all are different. Law is already written and to whom violate the laws should be punished, but then no one would even care to listen. For some, law was meant to be broken no matter what the cost would be.
Just imagine a country with any law, you could do what ever you like and get away with it. Wow, that would be cool! But think of the bad side, neither of us would be save there are no police, no army, no fire brigade nothing!
Malaysia is one of those country live in harmony, peaceful and politically stable, why should us jeopardise something that is so beautiful as this. Why should politician fight for power and for some even miss using their great powers for their advantage.
Leaders of today are becoming more selfish by the day, we will never get a leader whom will devote to building up the country without any personal gains. Not like those old day where leaders sacrifice and devote their lives to bring up the country.
To me leaders of the opposing side, leader of other parties are all the same. All fight for money and power and greed.
To become a leader is a gift from god, leaders should remember ALLAH S.W.T. There is life after death where all will be judge by the only GOD. All religion knows there is only one GOD, but then humans are to stubborn.
At the end of the day you know what the problem is....money! Why? Money is everything, especially power! Forget it! You cannot buy respect, you cannot buy love and certainly you cannot buy your mistake.